Meet the Excos
POSBAN General Rule

General rules and information for members

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Meet the Excos
POSBAN General Rule

General rules and information for members

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Membership Dues

Membership dues are as follows

A. Beauty Business Owner / Spa Owner (N50,000 Annual Fees)

B. Mobile Therapy/ Therapist (N30,000 Annual Fees)

C. Staffs/ Student (N20,000 Annual Fees)

Please be informed that payment made is for membership and its renewable yearly. It’s called membership dues.


Certified POSBAN licensed Salon and Spa will undergo inspection by competence and compliance team, guidelines required for qualifications are as follows:

1. Method of sterilization and sanitization
2. Salon hygiene protocol
3. Wash area and running water
4. Convenience and toiletries
5. Method of storage
6. Appropriate lighting
7. Qualification/certification

Appearance at POSBAN Event

1. Business uniforms are not allowed at any POSBAN event
2. Business fliers or and magazines are not allowed at any POSBAN event
3. Any business information passed to members directly will be sanctioned. All business information within members must be verified by the Exco and approved before dissemination
4. No member is allowed to communicate to any members directly on any business information without passing through Exco for verification
5. Materials not produced by POSBAN is not allowed by means of third party sharing weather from within or outside the professional confines
6. No member is allowed to use POSBAN as a front for any business dealings. This offence will be punishable. Any dealings with the association shall be directly with the association as all members will be carried along.
7. Official colour for all POSBAN events and programs is 

These rules will be updated as the need arises.